Category Archives: Sketches

Sloths that never quite made it

Here are some sketches for some sloths that didn’t quite make the cut.  Maybe they will one day? WHO KNOWS. MYSTERIES!

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April 4 Sketches

Haven’t posted any art here for a while, so I thought I’d post a few sketches.  They’re up on the flickrs.  I’ll do my best to keep that ‘2011’ set as full as possible.  No promises, because we all know how awful I am at keeping them!


The Young and the Restless


Redbubble 15% off Sale!

Buy my t-shirts
Want to own a NSIE Tshirt?

Want to own a Archie Flyberg Poster?

Want to be the raddest person around?

Want to do it all *and* save 15%?

Then click here ! The Rad folks at Redbubble ( The place that I host my arts ) are giving you wonderful people the chance to save 15% on my stuffs.  So off you go! Spend! Make me wealthy!

Tasmanian Babes Fiasco : Process Sketches

I have a particular system that I use when drawing characters.  To begin with, I sketch out really rough ideas of clothing, items, basic size and stature of the character into my small notebook.  After this, I usually draw a full character pose ( often not the final build/bodyshape ) to get a more detailed idea of how the whole character design will work.

For those of you who don’t know, last  year I worked on merchandise and programme illustrations for Brisbane Arts Theatre’s production of He Died with a Felafel In His Hand.  This script was based on a wonderful book by John Birmingham, who also wrote a ‘sequel’ : “The Tasmanian Babes Fiasco”.  Coming next week, the Brisbane Arts Theatre will be the first in the world to perform this on stage!  Director Natalie Bochenski has asked me to do some illustrations again, and so I have.

In doing this merch and design work, I have seen the actors, but not the specific costumes they will be wearing.  I’ve had them described to me, and from that point – I can go nuts.  As long as you can look at them and say ‘ahh yes, I know who this is’ then I feel I’ve done my job perfectly.

I won’t show you any of the finished work just yet ( You’ll have to go to the show to see it ! ) but I thought I would share some photos I took of progress shots, rough sketches, and character designs. Some of these will be used, others won’t.  Enjoy! I’ve blurred out some of the sketches that are gags in the show.  I don’t want to give away some of the best sight gags in the production!

– A.


I went to a gig on friday night.  I saw many odd and unusual bands at the HiFi Bar.  Bands with names like Deerhoof, Wooden Shjips and Tenniscoats.

I quite liked Tenniscoats, so I drew a picture of them.

Get it ?

– A.

Lord Theodore Arachnis III & Prognosis Death

I was recently approached by some of the lovely fellows over at Impromafia to make an interactive internet “thingy” for their wonderful improvised medical comedy “Prognosis: Death!”.  Essentially what they wanted was an interactive music and sound spectacular.  The idea would be that you would have one character in a scene; clicking on this character would cause them to speak a generic line of dialog.  Adding another character would cause the dialog tree to change and the two characters then speak lines of dialog about each other, resulting in a sort of back and forth ‘conversation’.  As well as this character interaction, there was also a ‘musician’ character, who would play the musical themes for the various characters within the scene.

We recorded the dialog, took photos of all the characters, and I set to work building the project in Flash ( actionscript 3 ).  Each character had a bank of ‘generic’ dialog, and then a set of lines they could speak to each of the other characters.  All in all each character had approximately 60 or so individual audio files.  These lines were then chosen at random, and played along with a silly little ‘paper doll’ style animation.  Those who attended the show could then buy the ‘thingy’ on a CD, which also contained music mp3s, medleys, and a video composition; All compliments of the impro music master Kris Anderson.

If you ask nicely, I might show it to you sometime.

All in all it was a fun project to work on, and I already have plans for future Prognosis Death Interactive Thingies should the folks at Impromafia decide to do a 4th series.

In other news, I have finished a new illustration and placed it on RedBubble for those who may wish to take a closer look-see, as well as this, I also took a bit of a leap of faith earlier in the week, and submitted a selection of my art to a gallery I quite respect who are looking for artists’ prints to sell.  I havn’t heard back from them yet, but hopefully I will in the near future.

Lord Theodore Arachnis III

– A.

Barry, Bigface, Girl and Guts

Here are some sketches from the last few days to keep you all entertained.


Somehow, Barry knew he would be blamed for this.






Strange Little Girl


Work is progressing well on my latest game, I Hope to be able to do a blogpost for you all sometime soon.  Until then, here are some sketches from the last few days.


Light Jelly

Light Jelly

Agent 57

Agent 57

Contents of my mind

Contents of my mind





Can’t work.

I can’t seem to get any work done tonight.
So I decided to draw instead.

7 Years

7 Years

And some sketches from the other night…



Attempt at a lady

Attempt at a lady

“I am the Giant Green Iguana”

Some more felafel designs for those who are interested.  The play is still running at the Brisbane Arts Theatre for a few more weeks – so I recommend all in Brisbane attend!  I’ll have some photos of the printed merchendise sometime soon as well – It all came out rather well if I do say so myself

"I am the giant green iguana!"

"I am the giant green iguana!"

For those who have seen the merch, then you will have seen the ‘Green Iguana’ T-shirt.  Although the Green Iguana T-shirt looks great as-is, You probably havn’t seen the original iguana design which unfortunately was too many colours to be printed.  I thought I would show you how the image started.

Original Tshirt Design

Original Tshirt Design

In other news I have a new project I’m currently working on – I’ll let you all know how it goes soon.

– aA.